

Yaara.AI wrote 【section:8 TakeAway】|日本独自の規制や安全対策、ドローン技術の動向などに詳しくなる / Become familiar with the unique regulations, safety tips, and trends of drone technology in Japan.



Yaara.aiが書いた記事【section:8 TakeAway】


Become familiar with the unique regulations, safety tips, and trends of drone technology in Japan.





Become familiar with the unique regulations, safety tips, and trends of drone technology in Japan.
If you're looking to get into the exciting world of drones and take advantage of their amazing potential, Japan is definitely the place to be. For years, Japan has been at the forefront of drone technology, with numerous innovative companies pushing the tech ever forward. Whether you're looking to use drones for personal enjoyment or want to stay uptodate on all the latest regulations and trends, we've got all the information you need. 

When it comes to regulations, Japanese airspace restrictions are some of the strictest in the world. All drone pilots in Japan must be certified by the Civil Aviation Bureau, and there are strict restrictions governing when and where a drone can be operated. Additionally, GPS tracking is mandatory on all drones operating in Japan as is smartphone control, both of which ensure public safety. 

In terms of safety tips for those new to drones in Japan, it's important never to operate a drone near airports or other aircrafts. Additionally, it's important to remember that no drones are allowed above certain heights – usually 400 meters – so always be sure that you stay within those bounds while flying your drone. 

For more experienced drone operators in Japan, there are some amazing trends emerging that can make your experience with drones even better. Smartphone control is becoming more prevalent and more accessible than ever before – allowing you to take your drone on amazing adventures with just your phone as a controller!  






日本で初めてドローンを使用する方への安全上の注意点としては、空港や他の航空機の近くでドローンを絶対に操作しないことが重要です。さらに、ドローンは一定の高さ(通常400メートル)以上では使用できないことも覚えておきましょう。 そのため、ドローンの飛行中は常にその範囲内にいることを確認する必要があります。




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